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Re: [Land-speed] Towing a race car

To: "'land Speed List'" <>
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Towing a race car
From: "Benn" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 10:06:23 -0700
I used to tow my C2 'vette race car (about 4000# with trailer) with another 
C2 (about 3200#).  Worked fine.  Coulda used a deeper first gear, but no 
real problem.  Be SURE that the trailer tongue load is adequate though.  Had 
a very close escape from destruction by towing another trailer that was too 
light on the tongue.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Greg Meyers" <>
To: "'land Speed List'" <>
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 7:48 AM
Subject: [Land-speed] Towing a race car

> Need to come up with vehicle to tow 3200 pound race car on open 
> well-built,
> well balanced 4 wheel trailer over the rockies to Wendover.  I have a 
> fairly
> clean good running 1978 Lincoln Mark V with the 460 ci motor.  If I were 
> to
> make it safe for modern gas and add some heavy springs, truck tires,
> electric brake setup (and a stout hitch) is there some reason it still
> wouldn9t do the job that a pickup would?
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