On Thursday, October 5, 2006, at 02:28 PM, Adin, David wrote:
> Jeez, I forgot again!
> Did anyone notice how clean and fresh and handy ("out of reach of the
> olfactory region of tunica mucosa of nose") the, ahhhhhhhhh, facilities
> were at WOS???
> Can we have a round of applause for the person responsible??? The
> Potty-King is it?
'Tweren't me at WoS, although I did help out with placement of one or
two. Don't give the USFRA folks any ideas -- SCTA/BNI has me on their
sh*t list already -- I don't need to be on another one...
Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
Marquette, Michigan
(that's 'way up north)