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Re: Airfield use

Subject: Re: Airfield use
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 15:43:54 EDT
In a message dated 9/3/2006 12:10:40 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

several  months ago, there was a picture of an airport in FLA
that had a security  gate/doorway  installed to keep access to the runways 
secure. but for  over a year
afterwards, they still had no wall or fence, just a secure  locked doorway.. 
everyone just walked around
the locked  gate..

Let me guess how that happened. The Prez was bragging to the media that  
within X number of days after 9-11, all airfields were equipped with locked  
security gates. We just assumed there was a wall or secure fence to go with it. 
if a terrorist couldn't figure out how to cut through it or climb over  
Ain't politics grand!
Screw the security gates, mount a bunch of those new "Metal Storm" 1100  
rounds a SECOND machine guns with heat seaking projectiles. If anybody wanders  
the runways, they instantly vaporize them. The word will get around and  
nobody will be wandering on our runways. It would be good to control rabbits  
I think we should expand it to air coverage so we can keep Sea Gulls from  
getting sucked into the engines.
Odd Toe

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