Sorry to all, I really did not provide enough information on th eissue
staring at me. I have since determined how I might calibrate the unit.
The speedo is a 300 mph Intellitronic (now Nordskog) unit that I bought
some time ago. It counts the pulses fron the vehicle speed sensor on my
transmissio. That unit uses a hall effect sensor and generates a number
of pulses per revolution. To claibrate it to any tire or gear
combination, the directions say to put the unit into cal mode, drive one
mile and press some buttons. It will remember the number of pulses per
mile and then uses that to calculate speed. Since I have no real desire
to drive this thingy down any of Pahrumps famous roads I was looking for
a way to turn the tire over 733.38 times, thats what the tire will make
when rolling one mile. I had planned on just sitting there spinning the
tire by hand...until I decide to see how many turns it takes. Nope not
gonna do that. So here is what I am gonna try. Place the unit into cal
mode, rotate the tire 10 times and see how many pulses it has counted.
Multiply that number by 73.338 for th enumber in a mile. Then hook my
signal generator onto the speedo wire, place the speedo into cal mode
and activate the signal generator at a slow rate. when the appropriate
numbe rof pules is showing on the speedo, stop the cal. I think this
will work. The unit came programmed with 8000 pulses per mile and since
it is a 300 mph unit I am thiking it will need to have about 16000 plus
or minus pulses in it..
This is a cool speeds. It can calculate quarter mile times, and other
related things, has a trip odometer as well. As when I hooked the signal
generator to it, I managed to go 686 mph in the shop with the car on
jack stands!
I'll let you all know how it works out. Gonna try the cal today.
Oh and you all be changing you adress books because the old emaill addy
for me is going away end of this month!