I keep thumbing through my rule book (2004, yeah I gotta get a new one)
looking for the requirement for exiting the vehicle in a certain amount of
time. I notice that one section says that the driver must be able to exit
with ease...but isn't there a specified amount of time?
Is there a cadre of approved inspectors? Living around Las Vegas? If there
were, I would be pleased to have them come on over in a month or so and take
a look and tell me where things are farkled. That would give me some running
room to fix and repair. I could drag it to EM but that gets in everybody's
way. I know Skip and Gary live here in Pahrump, but they may be biased a bit
so any others who don't know me from a fence post around here who are
What is the purpose of a toe strap with a cable operated system? I
understand throttle rods with heim ends etc can get sticky, but with a cable
aren't you SOL? Mine has an original Mustang throttle cable. It will of
course have 2 safety springs at the butterfly shaft. I am not dumb, just
dense sometimes.
Regards parachute attachment...I know there was some discussion about the
Pin that the 'chute attaches to. Wasn't some kind or "roller" or ? needed to
keep the tow line from being cut by a small diameter bolt? I cannot fine
that reference anywhere. I think it is a good idea but whats the requirement
(ie minimum diameter)?
I am sure to have mor equestions in the near future, but this is all that I
can think of for now...
mayf, and thanks