and then remember that it has to be coated on the inside to keep the acid in
the cola from eating its way out and then printed on the outside in numerous
overlayed colors.
And it's done for around a penny a can.
If you are ever around Ticonderoga, NY, go to the Reynolds can foactory and see
them being made.
Bob D. (in Mexico where it is sunny and 75 degrees)
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Turk <>
Sent: Feb 20, 2005 4:24 AM
Subject: a coke can?
I was just looking at one of my Diet Coke cans... I'm tempted to take it down
to the shop and do some measuring... Just never really considered the work it
took to make one of these. Realize that a soda can is made from a single
sheet of aluminum and then capped after it's filled?
Someone out there has the answer to how this was done...
Keith ( see it's easy to boggle a feeble mind )