A report has just come over the landracing.com website from Bonneville
that after a 334 mph one-way run earlier this morning, during which a
small on-board fire occurred, Sam Wheeler and his team prepared the
E-Z-Hook mc 'liner for the other leg of the two-way run required for the
F.I.M. world record within the time required.
Sam, unfortunately, experienced a mechanical on the return run and had
to abort. The Bub Meet has been hampered this week by wet salt in the
middle(timed) mile of the ten-mile course. So as things stand now, the
official F.I.M. World Record remains with Dave Campos and the Easyriders
'liner with 322.149 mph from 1990. And, Sam Wheeler holds the official
Bonneville SCTA 1350cc blown fuel bike streamliner record at 332.410
which he set August 19, 2004. BH