You have the logic backwards.......sort of. It is the flying height of the
canopy that governs the angle of pull on the attach point. The attach point
must be altered based on this flying height to get to an neutral axis
through which to pull on the back of the car.
At 07:25 PM 6/30/04 -0700, 3liter wrote:
>Rick & Skip:
>Keith said the nose lifted. The chute drag is being reacted by the CG of
>the vehicle. I am assuming Keith's CG is behind the front of the car. If
>the chute is pulling directly through the center of the CG there should be
>no other force applied except deceleration. If the chute-attach-point is
>lower than the CG then you are pulling down on the CG and the nose will
>lift. If you pull UP on the CG the nose will drop.
>With respect to your accomplishments, you might be right, Am I confused?
>...any other opinions? Help! -Elon
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rick Yacoucci Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 6:10 PM
>Subject: RE: Stroud Safety... 'chute
>Sounds like it's too HIGH to me