I doubt that the nose would lift if the attach point is low on the rear of
the car.....it would dip. This assumes that the chute is trailing perfectly
and not "kiting". I have done some of this.......
At 05:46 PM 6/30/04 -0700, 3liter wrote:
>From: "Keith Turk" <kturk@ala.net>
>oh and the nose lifted just a bit when I pulled it... don't know the exact
>amount yet...( because I haven't done the calibrations yet... my fault not
>the Data Acq's ) But I can see exactly how deployment effects my car...
>Hmmm, sounds like the chute attach point is a tad LOW on the car, Keith.
>I'm very interested in what you deduce from the data. Please let us know.