On Monday, March 22, 2004, at 12:30 PM, Dick J wrote:
> "Albaugh, Neil" <albaugh_neil@ti.com> wrote: List I had to shovel the
> sunshine out of my driveway to get to work this morning......Ho hum,
> another perfect day in Tucson. : ).....Regards, Neil Tucson, AZ
> Yeah, and while I watched the IRL race from Phoenix yesterday, I
> noticed that it was over 100 degrees out there in paradise too!
> Dick J
> In nice, sunny, 74 degrees East Texas
Okay, okay - I've had enough of this. How're you ever gonna prove
yourself to yourself if you live where it's always warm, always sunny?
How're you gonna test your own mettle if you don't have a frequent
opportunity to walk behind a snowthrower for an hour here, a half-hour
there, with - no matter which way you aim the chute to blow the snow --
with the wind whipping the stuff back into your face?
How're you ever going to not be scared when you awaken to a foot or two
of fresh snow on the driveway? And when will you have the chance to
see the sparkle of the sun on fresh-frozen branches of the trees?
You might never know the comfort in seeing that the fuel-oil truck
managed to make it down the road to deliver #2 oil -- assuring you that
as long as the electricity stays on you'll be warm for another few
weeks. You might not have the chance to find succor in knowing that
you've got enough kerosene in the heater down in the basement just in
case the electricity goes off after a windstorm-cum-blizzard. You'll
miss the satisfaction in realizing that there's enough clean snow in
the yard to provide you with plenty of water for the next power outage.
I could go on -- but I sure wouldn't give up this place for one of
those areas where I've got to have air conditioning. Or, as we like to
say ('way up north): 200" of snow and 25F below keeps out the
Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
Marquette, Michigan
(that's 'way up north)