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Re: Roadsters Aero issues...

To: Keith Turk <>
Subject: Re: Roadsters Aero issues...
From: Bryan Savage <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 20:23:06 -0800
If Jack wasn't having computer problems I'm sure he'd jump right in with 
something like
" Add weight until you go slower, then add horsepower."

Sorry Jack,

Keith Turk wrote:

>you know there are issues that face the roadster crowd that are entirely
>different then cars out there on the edge of speed...
>With the extended wheel base and highly aerodynamic profiles Streamliners and
>lakesters have a tendency to go straight... they steer that way as a function
>of the vehicles body....
>Roadsters on the other hand seem to be much more boxy and have much lower
>limits to the aero load then the others...  They hit that was were traction
>becomes an issue much sooner then other types of vehicles....
>I was thinking about the HP requirements in relationship to Coeffeicents of
>Drag for each of the styles of cars.. and it kinda hit me that there are
>issues we aren't discussing here.... like how much of a drag race is it if you
>can't hook up your car and how much do you care about weight if you have more
>then adequate hp to cover it up?  Will the aerodynamically challanged car
>always benifet from added weight?
>I know that my car is actually rather light at 2600lbs... or at least light
>for the experience that I have....
>What are you folks thinking?
>Keith ( Glen ( insert correct insult for the time of day you read this )

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