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RE: Traction control

To: "Keith Turk" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Traction control
From: "Dave Dahlgren" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 14:59:32 -0500
I have used the correct channels The proper form was submitted over a week
ago. Got the Ok from Dan Warner that the format was appropriate and correct.
they will be looking into during the year. I sent it to the list once in
text format so it could be read and not be an e-mail attachment.. sent the
proper one to dan who forwarded it to Lee Kennedy for me. If no one got it
let me know and I will send them a copy either in MS word or text format to
read at their leisure.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Keith Turk
> Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 2:04 PM
> To:
> Cc: Landspeed List
> Subject: Re: Traction control
>   Tom I suspect your exactly right about using the right channels...
> I've honestly enjoyed the banter on the subject and have learned
> a bit as we
> go along... Dave is a wonderful teacher off line as well... and I've been
> privy to a lot more of his thoughts on the subject...  Neither
> one of us is
> interested in a project like this if it's Not legal.... but if it was,  it
> would absolutely be one of the tools in our box of tricks... no question
> about it and best of all I'm 100% sure the car would be more
> manageable as a
> result... hence a safer car.... so I guess Maybe I'm the guy that needs to
> formally address the situation as I'm a car owner and driver.
> Maybe I can get the form on line and submit a proposal to the rules
> committee... might not happen in this next year...but it should
> at least be
> considered and talked about which would leave it in good stead
> for the 2005
> season.... if and only if it was approved...  again they can't make
> decisions on it if it's not tabled formally.
> Keith ( and Tom... thanks for the impetus to actually think this through )
> Ya wanna come run a Modified sports.... I'd love to race in your class
> again... )
> > My only gripe about this discussion, and others we have beat to death,
> > is that there seems to be a protest mindset that says, if we make enough
> > noise we can have it our on way. I don't see that happening! Going
> > through the proper channels will likely make it more palatable for those
> > "in charge". Therefore, more likely to get action.
> >
> > Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/CC

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