Tom I suspect your exactly right about using the right channels...
I've honestly enjoyed the banter on the subject and have learned a bit as we
go along... Dave is a wonderful teacher off line as well... and I've been
privy to a lot more of his thoughts on the subject... Neither one of us is
interested in a project like this if it's Not legal.... but if it was, it
would absolutely be one of the tools in our box of tricks... no question
about it and best of all I'm 100% sure the car would be more manageable as a
result... hence a safer car.... so I guess Maybe I'm the guy that needs to
formally address the situation as I'm a car owner and driver.
Maybe I can get the form on line and submit a proposal to the rules
committee... might not happen in this next year...but it should at least be
considered and talked about which would leave it in good stead for the 2005
season.... if and only if it was approved... again they can't make
decisions on it if it's not tabled formally.
Keith ( and Tom... thanks for the impetus to actually think this through )
Ya wanna come run a Modified sports.... I'd love to race in your class
again... )
> My only gripe about this discussion, and others we have beat to death,
> is that there seems to be a protest mindset that says, if we make enough
> noise we can have it our on way. I don't see that happening! Going
> through the proper channels will likely make it more palatable for those
> "in charge". Therefore, more likely to get action.
> Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/CC