Ed, I don't believe there's any direct relation between CCA and AH as
different kinds of batteries(lead, calcium, etc) have different CCA even if
the AH are the same.
I've got cca and ah specs on Interstate and Yuasa batteries so if you tell me
(or might be easier to call the shop here) what model and year your bike is
or what specific batteries you're looking at I'd be glad to let you know what
info I have in the books.
Todd Dross
PS- if it's after hours talk on the recorder and I'll pick up if hear it ring
or I'll call you right back if you leave your number.
> Trying to order a new battery for my Harley, but the catalog
> has ratings in CCA or amps, but not both. Does anybody know
> how to convert amp-hrs to CCA? Or at least an approximation?
> Ed