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Re: Maxton

To: Bryan Savage <>
Subject: Re: Maxton
From: Joe Amo <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 10:15:19 -0700
besides those guys on the east coast dont realize
how much speed they are giving up

I mean I hate to get technical but......

I dont know if i have the heart to talk to them about their
aero "tuck"

my dad always told me to keep my "narratives" to myself
but Keith said its all about dialogue

Joe :)

Bryan Savage wrote:

> Comparing runs on two different days by two different cars at 
> Bonneville or
> El Mirage isn't very useful. The track conditions change too much. At 
> Bonneville
> the different between 0800 and 1800 can be enormous. I don't think 
> water comes
> to the surface at Maxton in the afternoon and the track surface isn't 
> degraded by
> the cars using it. Of course at Bonneville or El Mirage you can run 
> without suspension
> and you don't need F-1 type brakes.
> It's entertaining, but that's about it.
> Just my opinion,
> Bryan
> James Tone wrote:
>> Why not accept all the runs for what they are and quit making 
>> comparisons.
>> Sound like too much "my dad can beat up your dad" syndrome.  All 
>> these are
>> outstanding in their own right and no comparisons are needed

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