I hear ya dad. I think I might have been
misunderstood. Don't get me wrong, not saying theory
isn't "extremely valuable"(without it noone would try
anything new)... I just think that the true real world
experiences shared are much more valuable as there's a
basis of trial an error, AND that the more I listen
the more I believe most of those experiences have come
from personal "no choice" situations then theory. But
hey, i'm just some snot nosed wrench, very green
landspeed racer with a few hair brained ideas that are
spawning a little more from ability and necessity then
experience or theory(not that some aren't coming from
this).... *that's why i'm here!
IE: if I have some mild steel that when put in to the
design is structurally sound, I can't go with chrome
moly because of the theory that lighter is better
100%. It's just not monetarily or time line feasible
for me to change direction once in build mode, so I
gotta go with what I've got. Like you said.. you have
to start somewhere. I can only put all I can in my
mind(or somewhere on this damn desktop) until I can
put it in MY real world.
In other words.. theory alone may not have allowed Art
to get his vehicle in his bus. We all have our limits.
Sorry if that was misunderstood,
Todd Dross
--- dad land <eaglemot@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> hey, hey hey!.watch it now bro!.i'm bustin but to go
> faster.(i hope)or
> slower.but still bustin but!i spent the night up
> till the wee hours gas
> welding/cutting chrome-moly 30 degrees splices with
> sleeves,etc..blah
> blah.............i live in a real world but trying
> to build
> speed.......theory is very good! you have to strart
> somewhere
> ,right?.........and no matter the end result, i'll
> be lovin every minute of
> it and if i'm not watching.i might learn sum
> thin!!!and i like all options
> and thoughts given/shared based on others success or
> failure to attain there
> goal.!!! THANKS GUYS! dad
> ----- Original Message -----
> Subject: Re: Arfon's Aerodynamics
> > > art said he didn't understand that scientific
> > > stuff,so he just built the green monster to fit
> > > in a bus.
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