At last weekend's Long Beach CART race one of the Player's cars wrecked
BEFORE the start when their TC system malfunctioned and spun the car into a
Doesn't matter to me either way, my bike won't have it.
Dale C.
Subject: Re: Data Recorders
As far as (T/C) SCTA has never allowed it and for the last
several years it
has been discussed at the rules meetings.
I'm sure it will come up again this year. As far as Nascar,
all I did was
forward the article from their position on it and the
penalties if
caught using it. SCTA has stiff penalties as well. We are
never going to
please everyone as hard as we try.
If its taking the fun out of it for you we a sorry. However
we have a lot of
input from the racers, clubs and the insurance companys
on everything we put into our rule book.
Jon, I am not on the rules committee as I have enough on my
plate with the
timing etc. However I am the one that handles all of the
accidents and reports on them with a committee assigned to
investigate them.
Many rules are written because of this, but only because
we feel it will add to the safety of our sport.
Just my views Jon.
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