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Re: Maxton Motorcycle engine class question

To: "Jim Dincau" <>, "Dale" <>,
Subject: Re: Maxton Motorcycle engine class question
From: "Dale & Evelyn Thomas" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:01:27 -0500
  I am not bashing the S.C.T.A. or anyone else. Just stating obvious
differences in rules for those who asked.  It does raise the question of
common sense and fair application of the rules. Gas and fuel, naturally
aspirated and blown are all recognized as obvious differences or advantages.
It just seems that someone would have applied the same logic between a
engine design that makes power every second stoke and runs a gas/oil mixture
to one that makes power every fourth stroke and burns just plain gas. Not
opinion,  just plain observation of the facts.
   Not to impugn anyone's knowledge , but some people just don't know the
differences , some don't know the inherent advantages of the differences ,
some don't care and some will just say it is too late to change.

Dale Thomas

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