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Re: Recap on 'World Records Topic'

Subject: Re: Recap on 'World Records Topic'
From: tim schoeny <>
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 16:37:35 -0500
I kinda like Welch's grape jelly.All I was trying to do was give those
interested in the subject a real world example of the kinds of challanges they
will face in getting this idea off the ground-it ain't going to be easy as
opinions are strong on all fronts.Personnaly I'm pretty neutral on the subject
untill more details come out I am,however gonna bust that record this
Spring-just for the fun of it no matter what it's called.Moving on to other

Keith Turk wrote:

> Jack was hanging Pretty Loose there.... it's the difference between Apple
> butter and Marmalade ..... Wait a minute here... Knott's Berry Farm has the
> Best Marmalade in the country.... anyone wanna argue that Point?
> Seriously it's all about If you can combine all the Records to call it a
> TRUE world Record...or if you want to just call it a World record.... it's
> about the respect of your peers... and opening up that Peer Group to a
> larger level... or keeping it the same
> I really do believe there is a difference in the courses.... and that
> someone who achieves Great Feats on a Substandard course Should in fact get
> credit for that effort.... is it as important as all this?  hmmm don't
> know.. I really like the Idea of taking this to a Separate List and hashing
> it out for a while and coming back here to discuss it further once we have
> our ducks in a row...
> Keith
> ----------
> > From: tim schoeny <>
> > To:
> > Cc:;;
> > Subject: Re: Recap on 'World Records Topic'
> > Date: Monday, February 05, 2001 2:09 PM
> >
> > Come on Jack loosen up a bit-I saw where you EVEN agreed with Dave on
> something!
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Tim I'm not interested! Jack

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