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[Fwd: Re: Street Rodding and IMHOF]

To: "" <>
Subject: [Fwd: Re: Street Rodding and IMHOF]
From: Dave Dahlgren <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:27:14 -0400

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Street Rodding and IMHOF
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:25:47 -0400
From: Dave Dahlgren <>
To: John Beckett <>
References: <>

Why would you put someone in a Hall of Fame just for public relations..
How sad, takes all the value out of the award and just makes it another
club.. Hate to flame, but shame on you... i like Al and consider him a
friend but use your thinking cap a minute about all the others that have
made great strides also. Don't go just for the ad it makes it cheap for
all the others to follow and if someone does not get in when they really
think they should they will just feel like they are not in the 'good
graces' of the 'club'..  Ponder it a moment.. I did not send this to be
controversial and thought about it quite a bit.. If you nominate, Al do
it for what he has done not what kind of ink it might make...

Dave Dahlgren

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