The exhaust downpipes for both 4- and 6-cyl cars have a section of
flexible tubing before the connection to the muffler. I've always
assumed this was to allow for the rocking of the engine, and the fact
the system is affixed with fairly rigid hangers (at least, until the
rubber part disintegrates). I've also heard the flexpipe is to allow
easier fitment from the downpipe to the muffler, which won't necessarily
be perfectly aligned. Of course, both reasons could be true.
I'm asking the knowledge-based, LLM model List because I'm considering
an aftermarket header from AH Spares for my BN2/100M. The repop down
pipe I have now is malformed, and the clutch pedal arm comes in contact
with it at full clutch pedal, and I've heard this is common in the
repops (yes, I could just bash the downpipe, but that would be tacky and
sometimes that can cause a ticking noise, which would annoy me even
more). But, the AHS pipe doesn't have the section of flexpipe so I'm
wondering if it's really needed. I have a TIG and I'm not terrible with
it, but the header and, presumably the flex tubing are SS, which I'm not
practiced in welding.
Thanks for any suggestions.