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Re: [Healeys] Help

To: Ray Juncal <healeyray@yahoo.com>, List Healey <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Help
From: Bob Haskell <rchaskell@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 18:16:32 -0400
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Check with British Tools and Fasteners for taps/dies. 


Bob Haskell
Austin Healey 3000 BN7/BT7 registrar

On 10/26/22 1:23 PM, Ray Juncal via Healeys wrote:
> OK guys, so I'm working my way through two sets of instruments and 
> ready to mount them up. Of course the knurled nuts were all put in one 
> bag some time ago. Noe it seems there are at least two different 
> threads on the mounting studs and I dont have enough of the knurled 
> nuts to come out even with the instruments. Looks like 8-32 but not 
> maybe some are 3-BA but not all of them. Tried to order 3-BA tap and 
> die from Metric & Multi-standard to no avail.  Let's hear from the 
> hive mind..I can't br the only one who has run into this.
> Thanks
> Ray
> Inline image
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