Odd choice of color change, IMO.? Black/red is a rarer combination for
an M (though it wouldn't be my favorite).? If I was going to go with a
non-original scheme, I'd go with Florida Green over white, which I think
is absolutely stunning (and shows in some of the selling prices I've seen).
Any chance this is a 'counterfeit;' i.e. one of the cars where the BMIHT
cert was 'shopped' by an unscrupulous restorer (there was an infamous
case where someone submitted a series of VINs, looking for one with the
'shipped with louvred bonnet' comment). As I mentioned, one level of
'100M Registry' certification only requires the BMIHT cert.
On 8/2/2018 6:23 AM, Randall Hicks wrote:
> Trying it again. Message may have been too big.
>> On Aug 2, 2018, at 8:31 AM, Randall Hicks <healey100m at me.com
>> As I understand it, as early as autumn 1953 "Le Mans modifications"
>> and ?Special Tuning equipment"_parts_were available from the DHMC.
>> These could be bought outright, through dealers or DHMC installed.
>> According to Piggott?s_Austin-Healey 100 in Detail_, the P280 Le Mans
>> Kit (as a complete package) was released in October 1955. If others
>> have documentation showing different, I would be very interested is
>> seeing it.
>> Secondly, OEW duotone 100M were only done in OEW/Black with Black
>> trim. There was no OEW/Lobella with blue trim as a standard factory
>> option for the 100M. However, remember that 100?s could be ordered in
>> special color or primer.
>> This particular car, BN2L/232949, was originally a Black/Reno Red
>> with Black interior trim and hood. See attached BMIHT Certificate.
>> I looked at the car in 2008 or 2009 (?) when it was offered for sale
>> by Jerry Bennsinger (OH). It was all OEW with blue trim at that point
>> and I passed for many reasons.
>> Randy
>> Randy Hicks
>> Chairman, Austin-Healey Concours Registry Committee
>> AHCA 100 Registrar
>> www.austinhealey100m.com <http://www.austinhealey100m.com/>
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