The pump circuit is fairly simple: it's a solenoid (electromagnet, essentially)
in series with a switch (the points).
The power source connects to one solenoid lead at the long brass screw, which
should be otherwise isolated. The other
solenoid lead connects to the base of the points, where the points 'blade' is
attached. The unshielded copper lead from
the points connects under the pedestal hold-down screw opposite the side with
the input brass screw. The transil should
connect between the points base and the same pedestal screw the wire from the
points connect to.
When the points are closed the whole circuit will have near-zero impedance for
a split second then impedance will build
as the solenoid coil gets saturated. With the points open, there should be
continuity between the input post and the
points base only (there should always be continuity from the points on the
armature to ground).
There is some polarity issue with the solenoid leads, but it will operate with
the leads reversed. If your pump hasn't
previously been assaulted the small terminals fit properly only one way
(sometimes, the leads are red/black, but I've
only seen black/black).
Did you get a bidirectional transil (like the kit I recommended)? If so, the
orientation of the transil doesn't matter.
If not, you could have the transil connected backwards. This would be
indicated by a dead short between the input post
and the ground post with the points open.
On 12/29/2012 3:06 PM, Price Lindsay wrote:
> Kees -
> You seem to be one that knows all things Healey.
> I am in the process of changing the points and adding a transil to my late
> model pump. I've taken it apart, installed and adjusted the points and
> adjusted the diaphragm as described in the manual. I temporarily hooked up the
> unit to my car, turned on the ignition, nothing happened (no ticking).
> I've brought it back down and tried to test it with an ohm meter. Every
> terminal I touch to another has continuity, even with the points open. The
> points are closed as it sits on my bench which I presume is correct.
> One question I had when reassembling was the placement of the two small wires
> from the body. I put them back as I thought they should be but maybe I crossed
> them. There seems to only be enough wire to fit them in one way.
> I don't get it. How can I trouble shoot/test the unit while out of the car?
> Any ideas on what may be wrong? It worked fine before I "fixed" it.
> Thank you very much!
> Price Lindsay
> 67 BJ8
Bob Spidell San Jose, CA