Steve, you're absolutely right. The only apology I can put forward is that
English/American isn't my mother tongue.(How is your Dutch? <grin>) And for
your information: in my working days I was selling high-nickel alloys - not
only selingl these but also advising on applications, choice of alloys,
welding dissimilar metals and so on. I am therefore well aware of galvanic
scales, just used the wrong wording. And, finally, congrats on your
registrar work!
Jack Aeckerlin, The Netherlands
1964 BJ8 29432
2010/10/17 BJ8 Healeys <>
> Jaap, the word "weakest" in your response can be interpreted as meaning the
> material that is structurally less strong. Comparing aluminium/aluminum to
> steel, yes, it is structurally weaker. But what causes the
> aluminium/aluminum to corrode rather than the steel is that it is higher on
> the galvanic scale than steel and therefore more anodic. When two metals
> are in contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte (like
> moisture), the more anodic will corrode first.
> Lead is structurally weaker than aluminum, but in an aluminum/lead joint,
> the aluminum is still more anodic and will corrode first.
> And "rust" is just a special term for corrosion on iron and steel.
> Steve Byers
> HBJ8L/36666
> BJ8 Registry
> Havelock, NC USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:
> On Behalf Of Jaap Aeckerlin
> Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 8:28 AM
> To: john spaur; Healey forum
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Healeys] Boot pan to shroud
> John, sorry, but I have to disagree. Aluminium (sorry - aluminum) is the
> weakest of the two mating materials and therefore the main problem with
> this
> joint will be the aluminum which will suffer from electrolytic(galvanic)
> corrosion. A rust film will form on the steel, but it's the aluminum that
> will disappear much faster than the steel. Therefore corrosion is the
> problem, not rust.
> Jack Aeckerlin, The Netherlands
> 1964 BJ8 29432
> 2010/10/16 john spaur <>
> > Rust is the problem with this joint, not corrosion!
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