Plugging up the PVC valve is lack of maintainance, not neccesarily due
to extending oil change intervals. Sludge is something that probably
happened during the change over to lead free petrol. Never came accros
it myself. Most residues in the oil, like water and petrol will boil of
when the engine heats up once in a while if you take it on a fast
motorway spin of say 50miles. Less oil changes does not mean that you
should neglect the engine in all departments. You still have to check
the fluid levels and the proper working of the thing.
Mind you, I am personally not in favor of not changing oil at all. I
simply do not want to take the risk, but on all my cars since the
sixty's I have changed oil once a year, just before the winter most of
the time, after 2000miles or 35.000 miles. Often I also changed the oil
in the gearbox as there is no filter and small metal parts may float
around in it. The cars did high milages but none of the engines showed
noticable wear, except a Triumph Spifire that started using a pint every
250miles or so.
Kees Oudesluijs
Richard Ewald schreef:
> Well my day job is that of a service manager at a good sized card
> dealership. Call an oil change an attitude rather than a necessity
> would be something that only someone that is clueless would say. I
> see the results on a daily basis of the results of no or extended oil
> changes and the results of regular oil changes.
> Change your oil every 7,500 miles like the factory says? Engine runs
> damn near forever with little or no problems. Start stretching those
> intervals to 10,000 miles? PCV system will get plugged up, or the
> engine will get sludged. Both are expensive but not necessarily fatal
> problems. Do 1 oil change or less in 30,000 miles, and you will be
> spending your kids inheritance on a new engine. Also if the car is
> under warranty it won't be when you cannot supply proof of the
> required oil changes.
> Please note, I am not one of those every 3,000 miles lube it or lose
> it yahoos. I believe in following the factory recommendations for the
> most part.
> Comparing a lawnmower engine to a modern car engine is a bit of a
> fallacy to say the least. My daily driver probably puts more hours on
> the clock in 2 weeks than most people's lawnmowers do in a year.
> Also Kees, you may not be aware of it, but engine oils in Europe meet
> a different (and stricter) guideline than engine oils here in the US.
> So looking at oils in Europe and Oil here in the US is not exactly an
> apples to apples comparison.
> Rick
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