Bob -
>From personal experience carrying a points SU fuel pump in the boot as a
spare is literally "pointless."
After sitting in the boot for anything more than 12 months and I can pretty
much guarantee that the thing won't work. If you do this, I suggest you
take the pump out every two to three months and connect it to power to give
it a work through, and then maybe it will last as a spare a little longer.
The points SUs really need to be in operaiton all the time to keep working.
By the way, the pump that Gary is referring to is plastic bodied, so it is
definitely switchable ground. In fact it is just a body re-do of the old
metal square body pump which FACET made for years, which was switchable
ground. If you pull up that pump on FACET's website it tells you it is
switchable ground. I think the NAPA packaging is misinformative (that
sounds like a Bush-ism!).
'52 A90
'53 BN1
'64 BJ8
On 7/10/07, Bob Spidell <> wrote:
> Well, since you asked for comments ;)
> Instead of hacking (probably) irreplaceable original fuel lines, why not
> just
> carry a spare SU pump? Or, better yet, install a solid state pump from
> Burlen--I've had one for 15K miles or so and have finally quit having
> nightmares
> about my fuel pump failing. I carry a points-equipped SU as a spare
> (probably
> have 3 or 4 pumps in various stages of assembly lying around--that's how
> long I've been fighting the fuel pump problem).
> BTW, don't assume the "negative ground" pump will work just by wiring
> appropriately--if the pump body isn't completely insulated you could get
> a nice
> (electrical) fireworks show.
> bs