I think that the term facet pump is used generically in these discussions. As
Facut manufacturers most of these and OEMs them to NAPA for example.
NAPA 610-1051. It is a low pressure (1.5 lbs b 4 lbs)
Here is a good article on this generic family of pumps
The older pumps are noiser and have a square metal body. Newer ones have
round plastic bodies and are slightly quieter.
If you really can hear it abouve the exhaust then you have a quieter silencer
than I. In that case you can get sound deadning mounts as mentioned in the
above article.
---- M Lempert <mlempert@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> This subject has come up several times, so I looked back in the archives.
> Still couldn't find a consensus. If you go to ebay and search on "facet
> fuel pump" you'll find several different types offered. Does anyone know
> which of these is best for our cars ? Would there be different solutions
> for four and six cylinder cars ?
> Regards,
> Mike L.