OK--you have my proxy:):) See I'm saving the club a few $$$$ by not
spending delegate money.
> [Original Message]
> From: <Awgertoo@aol.com>
> To: <tomfelts@earthlink.net>; <rnbmail@yahoo.com>;
> Date: 5/8/2007 6:28:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Delayed / damaged marque mag
> In a message dated 5/8/2007 6:10:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> tomfelts@earthlink.net writes:
> I'm the local chapter Pres and delegate, so my vote counts:)------
> Tom--
> It counts only if you come to the Delegates Meeting--or give someone
(such as
> myself) your proxy.
> Best--Michael Oritt
> (CAAHC Delegate)