Quoting Richard Hosmer <rahosmer@citlink.net>:
> As a suggestion, and also a question, AND a trip down memory lane, is
> Hollywood Sports Cars still in business? I can still remember Ronnie
> Bucknum's FAST metallic blue 3000 with 205hp, using triple HD8s. Ran a
> whole
> SCCA season with 11 firsts in 12 starts, IIRC, without a rebuild!! Their
> MGB had to be gone through completely after EVERY race.
Adding to the above reference there was an article on this car reprinted in one
of the US AH mags.
Also the head and cam shaft grinds is well covered in;
'The Sports Car Engine' by Colin(?) Campbell. Many editions were printed some
with a 'works' rally car on the dustcover.
In general dont open up the ports but clean up the combustion chamber