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Re: Tank test part 2--The Dirty Little Secret all these years.

To: "Steve B. Gerow" <steveg@abrazosdata.com>,
Subject: Re: Tank test part 2--The Dirty Little Secret all these years.
From: "Ron Fine" <RonFineEsq@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 18:37:32 -0700
Steve,  I don't want to rain on your parade but the tank I bought on Ebay 
was definitely a little smaller than my original factory tank.  I don't have 
the exact measurements but I still have my factory tank and the ebay tank is 
in my car.  I had to shim the tank straps at least 3/8 of an inch when I put 
the ebay tank in the car.  I would say that the ebay tank was at least 3/8 
inch smaller from bottom to top.  Not sure about other measurements.  But, I 
wouldn't assume that the ebay tank was the same volume as the factory tank.

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