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Re: Vapor lock?

To: "Peter Ryner" <pryner@verizon.net>,
Subject: Re: Vapor lock?
From: "Greg Lemon" <glemon@neb.rr.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 23:05:52 -0500
As per the vapor lock problem I certainly agree that it could be blocked or 
partially blocked fuel line, but I think you could test for that further--if 
the car immediately stumbles or has no power when you try to accelerate may 
be weak spark, I had this happen once and had a devil of a time figuring it 
out, turned out to be a bad capacitator. If there is enough gas in the float 
bowls I would think the car would accelerate OK for a short time and then 
slow down as the float bowls ran dry.

Will it sustain higher speeds and eventually sputter or is the putter more 
associated with acceleration, in which case it could be ignition or 
carburation problems, i.e. weak spark, weak mixture, no oil in dashpots.

Greg Lemon
54 BN1 

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