I think the seller listed the same car twice by mistake. The second
car has been pulled from Ebay already.
'53 BN1 '64 BJ8
On 3/17/06, Yellow 65BJ8 <rnbmail@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Listers,
> I just noticed that there is a BJ8 for sale on eBay
> that is apparently listed twice under two separate
> item numbers. It is the same car - both with the
> wrong ID number of 8118.
> Seller said the correct ID is 38118.
> The car is being sold as eBay 4621758235, with a
> current bid at $27.7K
> Same car is being sold as eBay 4620555783, with a
> current bid of $30.1K
> There is going to a very upset buyer here shortly...
> Robert, Yellow65BJ8.
> Robert - Yellow 65BJ8
> rnbmail@yahoo.com
> Cell: 408-221-5244
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