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Re: "Performance Siping" Your Tires

To: Len and/or Marge <thehartnetts@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: "Performance Siping" Your Tires
From: Dave & M <rusd@velocitus.net>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 22:46:43 -0700
Hi Len,
Siping may have some benefit on ice. For normal driving it would reduce
tread support  & grip. In the case where a road tire needs more dry
traction in competition, they are often shaved to a lesser tread depth
to reduce tread flexing. Siping would increase flexing. Of course the
ultimate for dry traction would be a slick.

Dave Russell

Len and/or Marge wrote:
 > Les Schwab Tires is offering a service called Siping.  To quote a
 > brochure, "Siping is done by placing your tires (new or used) on a
 > specially designed machine that rotates your tires while making
 > small, virtually invisible 90 degree cuts in your tread.  Only under
 > very close inspection can the SIPES even be seen, and you're more
 > likely to tell by your improved driving experience than by visual
 > inspection."
 > They have a 'demonstration' device that purports to exhibit the 35%
 > reduction in braking distance with SIPED tires.  This is supposed to
 > be accomplished by providing dozens of more gripping edges.  It is an
 >  impressive demonstration.  Improved braking, better traction,
 > smoother ride, cooler running are claimed.
 > The one question I did not ask was whether their machine could mount
 > a Healey wire wheel properly.  I think I will take a wheel down there
 >  and have them show me how they would mount it on the machine.
 > Has anyone had any experience with SIPING?
 > (The Other) Len Vacaville, CA 1967 3000 MKIII HBJ8L39031

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