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Re: Old cars banned?

To: "Healey webforum" <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Old cars banned?
From: "JustBrits_com" <justbrits@comcast.net>
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 11:07:18 -0600

Here is MORE than my .02 on the "subject:<VBG>

<< I intend to write the editor using the arguments that I've read on this
forum a few times when similar nonsense was aired by American politicians,
but can anyone tell me whether it indeed true that old/classic cars are not
allowed on the roads of certain USA states??>>

NO!!!!  Besides my Hortense ('63 BJ-7 wear ILL REGULAR plates "AH BJ 7" and
my wife's '73 MGB (again REGULAR plates) I own AND drive either of the TWO
1970 Chevrolet
El Caminos.  One wears REGULAR light truck plates "7 AH BJ (B)" (named Amber
with pics on my site) and the other (named Blackie) with just "standard"
REGULAR Light truck plates.

I go anywhere I wish with the only exception being where the (B=light truck)
is prohibited,
i.e. in Chicago where "B" plated (and above) vehicles are prohibited from

For instance, I did make the huge mistake (article coming soon with pics on
my site) of taking "Amber" on a sojourn to Texas a few month ago.  That was
around 2300 miles RT and sent me thru six States.

<< One of the leading Dutch newspapers carries a story on present and future
 limitations to Dutch traffic, related to reduction of pollution. The
article states: ..." It is expected that  the exemption of  road tax will
be dropped for the heavy polluting classic cars of 25 years old and over.
These are sometimes imported from American states where these vehicles are
banned because of their high emission of dangerous and polluting gases.">>


The two '70s AND the MGB, because I reside in one of the 7 "collar" Counties
of Chicago),
are REQUIRED to pass an "Emissions Test".

For your "ammunition"<G> , I have posted "Blackie's" latest Test Report on
my site.

http://www.justbrits.com/BlackieEPAaX.jpg  (Screen size w/lo resolution for

http://www.justbrits.com/BlackieEPAbX.jpg (Screen size w/Hi resolution)

http://www.justbrits.com/BlackieEPAX.jpg  (org. size and BIG w/Hi

Note the MILEAGE!!!

Please feel free to capture and use any way you wish.  If, in fact, you need
a copy of either WITH the V.I.N. not blocked, just let me know and I will
send direct.




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