I have a 1960 BT7, two 1961 BN7 MK2s and a 1962 BT7 MK2 (titled as a 1963)
all legally titled and registered as Collector Vehicles in the state of
Washington. These cars are insured by Hagerty, and are legal to be driven
anywhere in the USA and Canada (and probably Mexico, but I don't go there).
John Snyder
> friends,
> One of the leading Dutch newspapers carries a story on present and future
> limitations to Dutch traffic, related to reduction of pollution. The
> article states: ..." It is expected that the exemption of road tax will
> be dropped for the heavy polluting classic cars of 25 years old and over.
> These are sometimes imported from American states where these vehicles are
> banned because of their high emission of dangerous and polluting gases."
> I intend to write the editor using the arguments that I've read on this
> forum a few times when similar nonsense was aired by American politicians,
> but can anyone tell me whether it indeed true that old/classic cars are
> not allowed on the roads of certain USA states?
> Thanks in advance
> Jack Aeckerlin, The Netherlands