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we have oil pressure......

To: msalter@precisionsportscar.com, healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: we have oil pressure......
From: Jwhlyadv@aol.com
Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 15:00:24 EDT
Thanks to everyone on the list for all your tips and suggestions. I removed 
the oil filter assembly and the oil cooler hoses today. Immediately had oil 
come out of the engine as soon as I cranked it over. Ran air through the oil 
cooler lines and oil cooler and out came the oil as expected but no signs of 

Put it back together and it works.


Jim Werner

In a message dated 5/23/05 9:37:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
msalter@precisionsportscar.com writes:
I would suggest that you take the filter assy off the block, remove the
plugs then crank the engine for a good long time. Oil should come out of the
hole at the filter mount pretty quickly and once it does put things back
I ran AHX12 for 10 km at full race speeds with NO OIL and there was barely
any damage on the bearings. A few seconds at cranking speeds is very
unlikely to cause any damage.

Michael Salter


Jim Werner
Louisville, KY

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