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RE: Desperately need advice on painting my BN7 tri-carb

To: "Austin Healey" <ah62bn7@yahoo.com>, <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Desperately need advice on painting my BN7 tri-carb
From: "Peter Ryner" <pryner@verizon.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 19:16:36 -0500
Are you really concerned about value?  If so, keep with an original color
and do the entire vehicle.  If not, paint the car the color you want, it's
your healey and you should enjoy the car.  Although I am a purist when in
comes to some of my cars, I have also modified and enjoyed many non original
LBCs.  You have to decide what you want your healey to be.  That said,
having the firewall a different color will look odd and you should consider
painting it too.  Shouldn't take a complete disassembly to accomplish and
you'll be happier with the end result.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-healeys@autox.team.net
[mailto:owner-healeys@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of Austin Healey
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 5:44 PM
To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Desperately need advice on painting my BN7 tri-carb

Hello all,

I have what seems to me to be a pressing and huge
problem. My beloved 62 BN7 tri-carb
is at the paint shop with fenders off, almost ready
for my final decision about color. It was originally
the white exterior/red interior. My problem is that I
don't like the original white color. I hate the red
interior and changed it to a Heritage dark blue
interior, which is beautiful.

So, I can either paint it the original white, a
brighter white that looks good, Healey Blue, or what I
really like, which is dark blue metallic. The frame is
white cream, of course, so anything other than some
shade of white will be obviously "wrong".

Since I'm looking for opinions:

1) is there anything really stupid about painting the
car dark blue, even if the frame and firewall are
white and can't be re-painted without complete

2) Will it hurt the value if it is not an original
Healey color?

3) Most importantly, if I don't paint it the original
white, is there a better looking white that everyone
agrees is the obvious better choice?

Help!!!!!!!I have to make a decision next week.

Thanks very much,

Bob S.

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