A few easy detail questions to help with me and my friends 1954 AH 100-4
restoration. Originality rules! As always, please feel free to answer any or
of the questions.
1. The wiper motor has two wires going to it, the power in (-) and the
return ground (+). My question is, where does the
return ground hook up to the ground system? Does it go directly to the
body somewhere, or to a ground wire
somewhere? We've got the wiper motor working great, but I just want the
wiring perfect.
2. I think the guy who did the replacement of the frame front crossmember
blew it a bit, but I'm not sure now. The frame
front crossmember has two triangular gusset pieces welded to the
crossmember and also to the main frame
members. The triangular gusset pieces have one of the three corners
chopped off. I think the chopped corner gets
welded in rearmost, but the guy welded one in rearmost, and one with the
chopped corner welded to the
crossmember, so now I'm not sure what's correct. So, which way is it?
3. On the little parcel shelf under the dash, what material is on the
"floor" of the shelf? There was some cheesy bright
green carpet on this cars shelf. I hate when people do that!!! Is it
black vinyl, left bare, painted?
4. Lastly, we took out the gas tank to clean up the boot (trunk) area a bit.
The Moss catalogue shows that there should
be a seal of some kind between the tank and the trunk floor. Ours is
missing. Moss also notes that it's not available.
Is the seal rubber? Foam? And please, just to satisfy our curiousity,
why is there a big hole in the trunk floor under
gas tank anyway????
Who in the group said he couldn't imagine how people could restore their
Healey's without another one around to look at?
I hear ya man!!
Thank you,
Paul Barnes
Bensalem, PA
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