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Re: Oooom, cough cough cough, baahhhh - more carb problems

To: Big Sixer <healey@ledwith.com>
Subject: Re: Oooom, cough cough cough, baahhhh - more carb problems
From: Dave & Marlene <rusd@velocitus.net>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 20:21:10 -0600

I have noticed that some timing lights just don't run 100% at idle on 
some engines.  It is not a positive indication of misfire. As an 
experiment, temporarily reduce the plug gaps to .015" to .020" & see 
what happens. If the ignition is weak this should help the situation & 
make it run better. Just a clue, not a fix, unless the gaps are 
presently too wide. .025" is standard.

A bad condenser can cause all kinds of strange problems. Easy to change.

Dave Russell

Big Sixer wrote:
> I've set the dwell. I've set the timing (another email to follow), I've set
> the valves. I've rebuilt the carbs again, and leaned them out so the exhaust
> doesn't make my eyes burn. But I've still got a hesitation / roughness as I
> accelerate, especially around 2000 rpm.
> The mixture seems to be right since the idle doesn't run up when I lift the
> piston.  The carbs are balanced.
> The only other thing I've noticed is that the timing light doesn't run 100%
> when I pull the trigger. It seems that the #1 spark plug isn't firing all the
> time.
> Could this be electrical? The coil is new, the points well gapped. Could it be
> the condensor? What would the symptoms be for a bad condensor?
> I'm sort of stuck here. HELP??!!!!
> Ryan
> BJ7

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