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Re: Palm suggestions (fwd)

Subject: Re: Palm suggestions (fwd)
From: Kevin Wenzel <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 06:37:07 -0600 (MDT)
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, The MacLeods wrote:

> One problem with it I've had, if the 130 has the same connector as the M125,
> the connector retention to the Palm is HORRIBLE.  I've been searching for a
> way to keep the two connected without much luck.  The best I've found is an
> extra-long and extra strength rubber band wrapping from the connector to the
> top of the palm.

I'm using an M105 (and it does seem to have the battery-replacement bug,
which means that I just need to keep it hotsynched and replace the
batteries before each event) with a nice aluminum case, velcroed to the
top of a battery (and with a camera controller on the top of the case):

I had to cut a hole for the cable in the bottom of the case, and I could
make it tight enough fit to grip the cable a little bit - plus, the Palm
is kind of a press fit in the case, so it's very easy to open the lid, hit
autostart and close it without disturbing the Palm.  These cases seem to
turn up on eBay pretty frequently.

Kevin Wenzel
EP 117 -- Open 440

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