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Re: Extreme GEEZ and lap timer

To: <>
Subject: Re: Extreme GEEZ and lap timer
From: "Pierre Villeneuve" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 07:29:47 -0800

I've thought of getting a Hot-Lap timer too and I think it might be the
cheapest way to enhance the data collected by Geez.  At least then you would
have an objective way to find your fastest and slowest laps.  Then you could
look at the Geez data to see exactly what went wrong with the slow laps by
comparing to the fast laps.

I think the easiest way to define a lap is to cut at the time when you shift
gears on the main straight.  It is usually easy to notice that sharp dip in
longitudinal acceleration.  The big problem with this way is that this time
is never at the same physical location on the track.  This makes it
especially hard to compare lap times.  Another option is to define laps
based on the observed apex of one particular corner.  But sometimes it is
not obvious where to place the apex.  I've also tried driving a quick zigzag
as I cross the start-finish line each lap, you can see the lateral accels in
the Geez data for that point.  But it can be hard to do that when you're
passing someone at the same time!

Regarding your 2nd item below, I don't think tweaking the map this way is
possible with a single parameter.  If it were you should be able to do it
pretty well by simply adjusting that lap's end speed.  It can get you close,
but never perfect.  I know one reason for this is that when you get a little
loose in a corner, Geez doesn't know that and so you end up with more errors
for that corner alone.


Gary wrote:
> I do some Open Track events also.  I recently got a Hot-Lap timer to
> determine lap times but, of course, it does not integrate with the Geez.
> I had a couple of thoughts:
>   (1) If Geez knew when I crossed the start/finish line, it could
>       easily break up the laps for me and the lap times would
>       be accurate.
>   (2) On a given lap, the start and end points are the same.  Couldn't
>       Geez use this information to tweek the map itself until it's start
>       and end are also the same?  Hence, no user tweeking required (unless
>       you want to twiddle with the corners to get from 80% to 90%

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