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Extreme GEEZ and lap timer

Subject: Extreme GEEZ and lap timer
From: Gary Browning <garyb@robotics.Eng.Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 19:09:28 -0800 (PST)
I lost the email but there was a question about using Geez in road races
and having to take a lot of time to estimate the start finish line,
break out the laps and collect the analysis data.  And the lap times
were not very accurate.

I do some Open Track events also.  I recently got a Hot-Lap timer to
determine lap times but, of course, it does not integrate with the Geez.
I had a couple of thoughts:

  (1) If Geez knew when I crossed the start/finish line, it could
      easily break up the laps for me and the lap times would
      be accurate.
  (2) On a given lap, the start and end points are the same.  Couldn't
      Geez use this information to tweek the map itself until it's start
      and end are also the same?  Hence, no user tweeking required (unless
      you want to twiddle with the corners to get from 80% to 90% accuracy).
  (3) (And this is a stretch) At an AutoX, if I started and stopped the
      G-cube at the same physical location (or could describe simply
      the difference in the locations, such as, 80' back of the start of
      grid), couldn't it also do the same automatic map adjustment for
      AutoXers?  Note that you don't need the Hot-Lap timer for this - no
      hardware - just software.

-- Gary

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