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Re: Who's going to Seattle GEEZ school ?

To: "Bob Larson" <>
Subject: Re: Who's going to Seattle GEEZ school ?
From: "Byron Short" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 11:20:13 -0700
Hi Bob,

YES Please come!  I've got the trip all planned out on my
calendar, and certainly plan to be there.  We will be
limited to 8 students, though, so be sure to get your place
in NOW as time is short.

For those who haven't heard, we are talking about a GEEZ
school in Bremerton Washington, the Thursday and Friday
prior to the National Tour.  That's Thursday July 26 and
Friday July 27.  The school starts Thursday afternoon at
2:00pm, and the first day is all classroom.  Friday we go
back and forth between the classroom and the track a total
of 4 times.  The classroom for this session is our 40'
Trailer which will be parked alongside the track, so there's
no lost travel time.  

At the GEEZ school we spend the first afternoon going over
the basic theory and the mechanics and mathematics behind
GEEZ.  We also do some of the basic stuff with the device,
like calibrations, setting roll and pitch, and AutoStart
settings.  We even do a test run on the desktop to allow
everyone to practice through the procedure of taking a run,
downloading it to your PC (if you are using a Palm), and
then opening and viewing the run.

The second day we begin the course driving.  We do a batch
of runs to get us going, then download them in the
classroom.  This gives us a chance to work on the basics
like downloading, and adjusting your maps, of course.  But
the main focus of the class is teaching you to see how you
can improve your driving and/or your car by using GEEZ and
the G-Cube.

Each of the 4 sessions throughout the day get we get
progressively deeper into the GEEZ system, always using what
we learn to relate to new and different ways you can learn
to improve your driving using GEEZ.  We start out at a
pretty basic level, but we don't skip anything, so even
advanced GEEZ users tell me they learn a lot even at this
point.  But then we advance deeper and deeper into the
software, to learn many of the really advanced ways to use
GEEZ.  Again, the primary focus in this class is to make you
comfortable enough with GEEZ that you can use it to improve
your performance for the next several years!  We get deep
enough into the workings that you'll be amazed at all of the
options that exist for ways to analyze your runs.

To get signed up for this, contact Ron Bauer at  Ron can give you the details on pricing,


Bob Larson wrote:
> I traded email with Ron Baur and he says there's not many signed up yet.
> So, I wonder if I should.... Anyone else ?
> Bob Larson
> #8 ASP Porsche 911

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