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Re: Multi-Lap GEEZ Software now shipping

To: Brian M Kennedy <>,
Subject: Re: Multi-Lap GEEZ Software now shipping
From: Todd Green <>
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2001 13:32:19 -0700
>         Anyone know how much memory space that 25 minutes
>         of data will consume?

My guestimate...(GEEZ doesn't have a fixed record size, so it'll vary,
but roughly:

10 samples/sec * ~8 bytes/sample * 60 sec/min * 25 min / 1024 bytes/K

is 100-120Kbytes give or take.

Assuming the recording format hasn't changed too much, or additional
info hasn't been added ;) However, the 8 bytes is on the generous side,
it is generally less.


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