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Re: End speed too slow

Subject: Re: End speed too slow
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 17:18:41 EDT
In a message dated 6/8/00 12:30:48 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< On the eight runs that Bob and I took last Sunday, the finish speed
 (after trimming off the end) was less than 10 mph on all of them, even
 though the actual speed was more like 50 mph.
 I had to advance the "end speed" slider all the way to 1g (as far as
 it'll go) in order to get anything close to the correct speed.
 What would cause this sort of phenomenon?  I've never had it happen
 before. >>

I didn't calibrate my Geez cube / Palm for one event, and I had only right 
turns, no lefts in the data. My guess is probably something similar happened 
to you. If the battery in the power module is getting low, it has to be 
calibrated, and even then it may get iffy. I now calibrate right before the 
heat, and it has been fine. But it quits when the battery gets below 6 volts. 

Gary M.

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