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Re: How much adjustment is normal?

To: Arthur Emerson <>,
Subject: Re: How much adjustment is normal?
From: "R. John Lye" <>
Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 13:34:19 -0400
At 10:09 AM 5/8/00 -0700, Arthur Emerson wrote:
>I see the address, and assume that you are
>having problems at Petersburg.  

Yes indeed - that's where we were yesterday, although we were
going the length of the lot, not "across the lot" like the
Pro Solos have done.  I had never noticed much of a slope on
that lot in that direction, but you're right there is a bit of 
a slope away from the grandstands and down toward the grassy 
area.  I guess if I engaged Autostart whill parked in grid a 
bit sideways to the course, this might be part of the problem.

>I've also found that engaging
>auto-start in the same place each time at least gives
>maps that are all screwed up the same.

Well, all eight of our runs are "screwed up the same" or
at least a close approximation thereof, so I've got that
part covered. <grin>

>Of course, I'll include my disclaimer that I have no
>clue how GEEZ works under the covers, and this is just
>what I've noticed from using it.  YMMV.....

I appreciate the insight; I'll try to be more careful about
getting the car level when engaging Autostart I guess. 

This brings up a question though, does anyone know if cube
placement within the car has a big effect?  I've tried to
mount my cube as near to the center of the car as I could,
but in a spot that won't get wet when it rains (this is an
open roadster with no top or windshield).  I needed to find
a good level spot, so the best place that I could come up
with was to mount it near to the top of the fuel cell near
the front edge.  Does this seem like it might be a problem?

Thanks for all your help, folks,

John Lye

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