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Re: Floating point division by zero?

To: Arthur Emerson <>
Subject: Re: Floating point division by zero?
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 09:07:53 -0700
Arthur Emerson wrote:
> Thank god it wasn't just me!  My notebook captured a run like that
> on both Saturday and Sunday.  I was using autostart, but exiting
> after each run to see the map.  It only happened when auto-stop
> didn't stop, and I took a long drive back to the paddock.  Could
> GEEZ have exceeded the maximum run length?

Completely possible!  Again, you get 3600 samples in GEEZ which is 3 
minutes at 20Hz, or 6 minutes at 10Hz.  If this is what happened, then 
pull the GCD file into a word processor, and look for the low numbers 
indicating the end of the run, and simply cut them away.  It's pretty 
simple.  This assumes that we've already ruled out a bad calibration 
string, so you might want to check that first.  E-mail me the 
calibration string if you need more help on that.

> Now that cold weather autocross season has arrived here in the
> northeast, I had another interesting problem this past weekend.
> At two different sites, I had a 45+ MPH spin and long slide
> backwards lock up the computer.  The system was dead to the world,
> and even the MS-three-finger-salute didn't work.  I don't know
> if this is a power saver problem, the PC capture program not
> liking to slide in reverse, or the hard drive getting bumped
> around. I laughed off the first crash, saying that the computer
> crashed and that's why the car spun.  I was a little annoyed about
> not getting the second one recorded, though.  I'm going to
> check out the computer this week, because I suspect it more
> than a software problem at the moment.  My camcorder used
> to go bonkers under the same conditions.

The sofware will see a long backwards slide as huge forward 
acceleration, taking your speed waayyy up.  But this in and of itself 
shouldn't cause a problem.  And that would only show up during loading 
the file, not during recording it.  While we are recording, we don't 
really calcualte much of anything, so there's not much opportunity for 
us to lock up.  So I'm more inclined to think that the laptop did 
something weird too.  But keep us posted, will you!?

> Wish list:  F-key shortcuts to engage auto-start, auto-stop,
> and record for PC capture, with unique confirmation beeps.
> None of our local grid areas seem to be level, and I got
> quite a few dirty looks on Saturday when I was running around
> to the passenger's side to click on auto-start in the level
> staging line.

Probably one of our most asked for upgrades.  I'll work on it.

> Dream list: Being able to use a $59 PC video camera to also
> record the run, and then have GEEZ synchronize the video playback
> window to the maps.  GEEZ would only have to call the playback
> program.  It would be up to the user to capture/trim up the video
> clip.....

I've talked about this with several GEEZ customers.  It seems totally 
do-able, but I don't know when or how.  It would be done as a Gage, 
which allows it to be a seperate program.  The technology is out there, 
just not necessarily the time to put it all together.  But it would be 
way cool!

> -Arthur

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