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Re: GEEZ Palm Anomaly

To: Byron Short <>, Engstrom <>
Subject: Re: GEEZ Palm Anomaly
From: "R. John Lye" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 16:37:20 -0400
At 10:32 AM 8/24/99 -0700, Byron Short wrote:
>Anyway, you've stumped me on this one.  I haven't seen this before...has 
>anyone else?


>> after the next event, some more of the old runs that I've previously
>> usually show back up.  I haven't been able to find the pattern as to which
>> runs show back up.  I'm running Palm OS v. 2.0.4 Pro.
>> It doesn't kill me to re-delete these runs but I thought I'd let you know.

Ya' know, this did happen to me.  I thought that I'd probably forgotten
to delete them after downloading the files, but I think that they
re-appeared just like John's.  I suspect (but haven't really tested it)
that it happens if I leave the Palm connected while doing other things.
If I disconnect the Palm and then delete the files, it doesn't seem
to happen.  However, it has only happened once, so I won't swear that
this is what's going on.  I'm running Palm OS 2.05, as I recall.

John Lye

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