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Re: GEEZ Palm Anomaly

To: Engstrom <>
Subject: Re: GEEZ Palm Anomaly
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 10:32:43 -0700
Hi John,

I've forwarded your note and my answer to the geez list.  You can 
subscribe to the geez list by sending an e-mail to 
"", with "subscribe geez" in the body.  Subject 
doesn't matter and can be left blank.

Anyway, you've stumped me on this one.  I haven't seen this before...has 
anyone else?


Engstrom wrote:
> Byron,
> hope everything is going great for you.
> With Nationals just around the corner, I'm sure you're busy (as probably
> every autocrosser is - I never realized just how long the planning takes
> to make sure everything at my real job get taken care of so I can be gone
> for a week.  Sheesh - life was much simpler when I was 10...I don't
> suppose you know anyone that wants to adopt a thirty-something year
> old child-wanna-be.  Parents were great, school was great - what was I
> thinking, the real world is awful! ;-)  ) but I thought I would drop you a
> note letting you know of some strange behavior I get with the Palm Pilot
> software.
> When I go to the Palm's GEEZ Download application, I download the runs
> to my PC.  Then, after the downloads complete, I select the runs and delete
> them.  The Download app even show there are no files found after I delete
> them.  Seems simple enough, right?  Well, after going to another app and
> then returning to the Download app, some of the runs show back up.  Then,
> after the next event, some more of the old runs that I've previously deleted
> usually show back up.  I haven't been able to find the pattern as to which
> runs show back up.  I'm running Palm OS v. 2.0.4 Pro.
> It doesn't kill me to re-delete these runs but I thought I'd let you know.
> See you soon in Topeka!
> John Engstrom

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